Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I like photography.

Okay, okay so this shouldn't surprise you since every girl under 25 on the planet thinks they're a photographer.
But it's true, I do like it, a lot.

  I occasionally use my dad's DSLR (big word for nice professional camera, basically)  and I'm saving up for one of my own.
Anywho, we recently went to the beach and here's a few of my favorites of the 500 pics. I took.

Most people say this is the best photo from the trip.

One night the moon was out before it was even dark.  So cool!

The house we stayed out had a gabillion plants. This one is a Cactus.


Our setup (:

This picture makes me laugh really, really hard.  Why? Notice the dude holding the paddle. Yep. 

That baby loved the dude holding him. A lot. 

Night and Day.

Our pool.

I took many, many more, but these give you a little of a taste of the trip.

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