The post title is also the title of a well-known book, The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis. I have just finished reading this incredible book. And while I can not say I agree with everything Mr. Lewis writes in it, I can say it is by far one the best books I've yet to read; so thought-provoking!
So, while this is an insufficient recommendation, I'd highly recommend you read it.
Here are few of my favorite quotes from The Weight of Glory:
" is not so much our time and so much our attention that God demands; it is not even all our time and all our attention; it is ourselves."
"Though the world is slow to forgive, it is quick to forget."
"As St. Paul writes, to have died for valuable men would have been not divine but merely heroic; but God died for sinners. He loved us not because we were lovable, but because He is Love."
"A rejection, or in Scripture's strong language, a crucifixion of the natural self is the passport to everlasting life. Nothing that has not died will be resurrected."
"Neither the individual or the community as popular thought understands them can inherit eternal life, neither the natural self, nor the collective mass, but a new creature."
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