Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Who do you say he is?

Me? He's God. He's everything. He's mine. He's the Savior. He's the Almighty Creator. He's the end and the beginning....

Well, anyways about a month back my church did a message on this. It was powerful. I highly recommend it for anybody!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Asian Emmaline..... From google images....And there WAS a baby on the way...To Lita's house. Yeah.

So, tonight I had my evening's entertainment. Via Text and Instagram.
Here is how it went down:

Me: Baby is on the way.

Lita: Uhhh?

Me: From China!

Lita: Uhh?

Me: What do you mean?

Lita: There's a baby on the way from China?

Me: Maybe.
Asians' are your fav. , right?

Lita: Why is there an Asian baby coming?

Me: Because it is!! They are your favorite, RIGHT?!?

Lita: What for?!?

Me: Um, our kid? (:

Lita: You're adopting a kid from China?

Me: Maybe.

Lita: Seriously?!

Me: Maybe.

Lita: Why?

Me: Because because because....

Lita: Because WHY?!? Is it a little baby?

Me: Yes.

Lita: Boy or Girl.

Me: Maybe...Probably girl...

Lita: Dude! How old? And when will she be here?

Me: Soon.

Lita: She's staying like forever?

Me: Umm, i hope! It's a schrum -- after all.

Lita: When did this happen?! The 10th Schrum!

Me: A while back...

(Meanwhile on Instagram):


@LitaBee94...Cute, RIGHT?!?!?!?!!?? What should we name her?

LitaBee94: OHMYGOSH!!! Emmaline or Evangeline!

Me: Emmaline works...


Schrum x7!!!!!!!!

(Meanwhile via text):


Me: Well...ya know...

Lita: AH. You're not messing with me....right.

Me: Idiot. You know you love me. This is fb picture worthy.

Lita: You suck.

Me: I know (:

Me: Mom told me to tell you the baby was on the way. She didn't say which one.....And i shall get her and name her Emmaline.

Lita: Eh?

Me: Yup.

Lita: What?

I don't know?!


(Meanwhile on instagram):

Me: @litabee94 google images.
But, someday I'll have an Asian Emmaline (:
and then you get excited. For real this time, though.

(meanwhile via text; Lita hadnt seen that yet on instagram.) :

Me:Huh? I'm lost...There is no Asian, btw.

Elijah is at your house!!! The baby was at your house!

Lita: Ohhh

Needless to say, I feel like a Jerk.....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What is love?

When I hear this question I can't help smiling. In today's world it is something very twisted, and frankly many people's definition of Love is wrong. Love is Work. It requires immense actions on our part. Love is a beautiful, yet extremely misused and mistreated word.

1 Corinthians 13

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

(The scriptures I used I took from youversion bible. My absolute favorite!
 another amazingly spectacular one is This website is great for word, topical, character, verse, or chapter studies.)

Love like God. This passage can also have God put in Love's place in each one. This passage can be applied to our lives in so many ways.  And 1 Corinthians 13 also happens to be my favorite chapter in the Bible. 

So, what is love? God.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cow urine and popular Asian attractions. Yup.

Me and my brother did madlibs tonight. The results are flipping hilairious! So, here they are:
 Madlib.... "I've always wanted to be a famous movie director, like John Header. So I decided to make a home movie titled 'Pirates of The Dead Sea'. My friend Lita and my fluffy pet kiwi bird, would rescue a luscious treasure from a bodacious pirate ship. My friends and I built a 3.14-foot-tall ship out of dead bodies and geese, and glued all the pieces together with bacon maple doughnuts. As the ship set sail in the toilet in my secret laboratory, I looked through the lens of my iPhone and yelled 'action!!!'. Lita jumped onto the ship and started battling a squishy pirate, played Nana. Everything went perfectly. I was about to shout 'cut!' when we heard a pretty bubbling sound. Suddenly there was cow urine everywhere. We hadn't noticed that the kiwi bird had been waxing holes in the ship while we had been filming. I tried to plug 18,000,000 holes with ear wax, but it was no use. With a loud air horn-like sound, the ship started sinking as fast  as a zebra! My next command! Abandon ship!"
    Madlib... (#2)  "One day me and my family went to under your bead (a popular Asian attraction). We had a blast! The activities included picking our noses, running, and facebooking. But then we arrived at the grand hotel. There was cow pies everywhere! And when we went to bed, there were revolving doors under our beds! Then, the next day we went surfing. I wiped out 538 ligers! For dinner we had bananas and dodge balls. That's it. Oh, and the fact that Elijah pooped 3.14 times. Just the typical family vacation..." Well, there you have it folks. What happens when my brother asks' me the questions to 2 madlibs games....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pine Cove

What is Pine Cove?

Pine Cove is near and dear to me.

Pine Cove is a place of relaxation, yet challenge all at once.

Pine Cove is a major part of who I am.

Pine Cove is moving.

Pine Cove is a place of reflection, and many times restoration.

Pine Cove is beautiful.

Pine Cove is a place you have choice, but to have a wonderfully amazing time.

Pine Cove is a place of encouragement.

   Okay, okay, so Pine Cove is a non-profit Christian organization. They have camps in Tyler, and in Columbus (both Texas).  This is their main thing, and most of their other outreaches are camp-like.  Pine Cove Bluffs is my favorite of the camps. So, we'll reflect on that one.

     The summer staff are some of the most amazing people you'll ever meet.  Seriously, no joke. And they're not just trained to be like that, Pine Cove only hires the best and only people who truly know the Lord and are living in a way that is not against his word.  These college students all know what it means to follow God and strive to grow closer to him and his ways.  They do their best to get to know you.  It's so fun coming back each summer and catching up with counselors you got to know last summer.  Even through out the year it is so fun to talk to them! They are genuine people; not just putting on an act. They take the time out of their hectic schedules to talk to you. The summer staff also make it interesting. For example, games, dance parties and the list goes on.  Last year during week 11(which also happens to be the best week and the favorite of all staff) on the last full day, the impact girl counselors randomly decided to get up earlier then required; they already sleep not much; and have coffee and talk with the girls.  I really am not doing these young people justice by what i'm saying; they are just amazing!

     They do everything for you, yet it is a provoking week.  You're not even allowed to pour your own drink! You constantly being challenged by the powerful bible studies devos, and no matter what you're doing being poured into while being served.  

   Pine Cove has made me who I am.  Few things are so huge that you're life would be completely different without, well Pine Cove is one of those things.  I was apprehensive and didn't want to go the first year.  I look back on thought and think 'CRAZY!'.  The counselors' authentic relationships' with the Lord challenged me throughout the year. And the theme and topics from the first year still bring challenges and growth to me today!

No one has ever regretted investing in Pine Cove Camps. I highly recommend it for everybody.

Pine Cove  has been said by many truly indescribable; and it is! To say the least Pine Cove is one of those things that you have to experience, and words will never be enough for it.  This blog does not come close to what Pine Cove is.  I can tell you something that it is though: Powerful.

Here is a thing I wrote on this place of Awe a few months back:

Pine Cove is amazingness!!!  Pine Cove is a ministry based out of Tyler, TX, their main thing being camps.  But Pine Cove is much more than a Christian summer camp!  Each Pine Cove camp has crazy fun counselors, theme nights, and awesome food.  Pine Cove offers youth camps,  family camps, conferences, and day camps.  They all bring you closer to God and challenge you.  Pine Cove’s mission  is: “Pine Cove exists to be used by God to transform lives of people for His purposes and His glory.”  Pine Cove is very true to their mission, too!  You’re sure to have fond memories of your stay at Pine Cove; for life.

        Pine Cove family camps.  Their family camps are where families can come and live a week in luxury, basically.  Pine Cove’s family camps each are individually directed, making each unique from one another.  They all have wonderful counselors to serve you and make your week amazing.  During the mornings parents have speaker sessions while kids go to their different groups and then are in smaller groups.  The 4 kids groups are Impact (Middle-High School),  Wild Woods (Elementary),  Wild Kids (5-6),  and Cove Kids (birth-4), each group does separate during some activities and does others together.  An Example is, Impact girls do everything together, with the exception of bible study. The Younger girls go with their counselor, and the older theirs' for bible study.  Select evenings you go with your group and afternoons are optional.  There are many family activities available.  The accommodations are magnificent! Every family has their own cabin, Pine Cove provides all the meals, which are heavenly.  Pine Cove family camps each have a pool with a blob and slide.  The list of wonderful things about family camp are endless! 

   Pine Cove's best camp of all though is The Bluffs Family Camp.  The Bluffs is proclaimed the best for countless reasons.  One of the more major reasons being, that it is the smallest of them all.  Being smaller it's easier to get to know and to connect with the people and summer staff.  Another benefit of The Bluffs is that it's PC's (Pine Cove's) newest and nicest family camp. Which btw, Pine Cove family camps are not camp-like AT ALL! I'm serious.  The Bluffs also happens to be absolutely gorgeous and sets on a bluffs overlooking a lake.  Speaking of the Lake they have many boat activites. Including Banana Boats, Skis, Inner tubes, ETC. Though The Bluffs is as good as it gets, if you want the best of the best Week 11 bluffs is the place to be! Week 11 is bomb diggity.  

Here are is the main website, and also the bluffs portion of the website: